■ CERT Art Tincombe provided the report. The CERT trailer needs to be licensed, registered, and insured. The cost is approximately $1,300 to $2,000. As the RJCC is the Citizens Corps Council for the CERT, the trailer needs to be registered and titled under the RJCC. Art is investigating what it takes to get a government plate for the trailer. Thirty-three people participated in their mock disaster on March 21st. Work on the trailer continues. The roof repairs have been completed. The RJCC agreed to investigate what it can do to assist with the insurance.
■ Grants Bill Praust provided the report. The Pro Neighborhood Grant has been executed. The responsibility for execution is in the Neighborhood Cleanup Committee.
■ Neighborhood Cleanup Jane Pierce provided the report. Now that the grant has been executed, Jan will work with Solid Waste to get more details. She will also work to set a schedule for the year. A citizen questions whether hazardous material could be taken. This is not allowed. Sharon Bronson indicated that Pima County might be able to coordinate a Hazardous Waste drop-off for the same days as the cleanup.
5.Public Comment A citizen expressed concern on opening up a road between Chumblers and Stagecoach. Bill requested a write-up from the citizen with the details and we will provide the request to the County for consideration. 6.Guest SpeakerSharon Bronson, Board Of Supervisors Chair and District 3 Representative, and Chuck Huckelberry, Pima County Administrator, were the guest speakers. They promised to get lights in the main room of the Community Center. They also congratulated us on receiving the Pro Neighborhood Grant.
They provided a half hour presentation on the Bond Questions we will vote on May 18, 2004. This was followed by a 45-minute lively question and answer session. Citizens were able to ask question and express concerns regarding the bonds and other topics, most notably support from the Sheriff's office and roads.
There are 6 bonds on which citizen's will be voting. These bonds authorize Pima County to borrow money to pay for the activities defined in the bonds. They are: 1) Sonoran Desert Open Space and Habitat Protection; Preventing Urban Encroachment of Davis-Monthan AFB, 2) Public Health and Community Facilities, 3) Public Safety and Justice Facilities, 4) Parks and Recreation Facilities, 5) River Parks and Flood Control Improvements, and 6) Sewer System Revenue Bonds. If you would like more information on the Bonds, you may call 740-8661 or visit the Website www.bondelection2004.pima.gov.
7. Call for Adjournment Meeting Adjourned at 8:30 pm 8.Next meeting: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 at the Robles Junction Community Center